I personally have always thought that past decades had a certain sort of charm about them. I know there was war and upheaval and uncertainty, but I think there was a sense of family and unity that can at times be lacking today, certainly in my experience anyway. This is why I decided to try to recreate the past in my home with beautiful old furniture and knick knacks.
I rember visiting elderly friends with my mum when I was a child and being fascinated by the ornaments and crocheted blankets and black and white photos that filled their homes and thinking how lovely it would be to be surrounded by such things that clearly meant so much to them. To me and my childlike eyes this was wonderful and I longed to have a house filled with such things of my own.
I'm so grateful that purchasing things, be it furniture or kitchenalia or more personal items, it's so easy with ebay and vintage fairs and antique centres never far away. All of this means I have my longed for home, a bit of which I shared in the last post, and can sit happily soaking up my own little piece of the 40's and 50's.
Why do you love vintage, please do let me know, I would love to hear.
Bye for now lovies xx